As a previous A Level politics student, I was keen to devise a useful, efficient and clear resource for all 3 papers. Under each paper there will be subheadings for each topic where I will briefly highlight key points and mainly focus on examples, as I felt these were scarce when studying. You can also find some example answers, and the structure that will reward you full marks or close to full marks. My contact details can be found at the bottom of the page, if you have any questions on politics,or the resource don't hesitate to email. 


The Purpose

This website contains revision material and notes for A level politics, while it is mostly aimed towards the AQA spec a lot of the content and examples will be applicable for other exam boards. In the ideology section of the course I focus on Nationalism as an ideology, however I still have notes on Conservatism, Socialism and Liberalism.

Most politics text books are very dense, and often do not include as many examples as are necessay for the course. This website is designed to be a resource for students to gain the necessary understanding of the structure of essays required, and the key points and examples that are condensed for each topic, to ensure ease when studying. 

You should not take the example answers to learn off by heart but rather, to study the structure and the way it is written to emmulate in your exams. Remember to ALWAYS analyse and evaluate your answers in 25 markers, this may include exploring your points in depth as to whether this is a strength for your argument, to what extent is it a strength, and how/why can it be seen as a weakness. The best answers will have a nuanced conclusion, however should match the argument you have carried through the whole of your answer.

Learn Structure for your own answers
Read clean and clear
Find relevant and key up to date examples 
Purchase the example answers that awarded me 195 marks and an A*


During my time as a Politics A Level student, I completed many projects on various topics in the course, below are some examples of these that can be helpful for understanding the course further, or may be an interesting read at your leisure. 

                       Executive Project


Constitution Project
Political Party Project

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